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Anais Menjivar

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations

College: Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

Multitasking always came naturally to Anais Menjivar. While at FIU studying for her political science degree, she had to help her single mom take care of her younger sister, including picking her up from school to ensure she avoided some rough parts of her neighborhood rampant with gun violence. 

Within three years at FIU, Anais was an intern for U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson with the hopes of addressing the very safety issues affecting her life and her community. Anais reviewed the impact of federal policies on marginalized populations and worked to monitor and create legislation that supported increasing equitable healthcare and broadband access in underserved communities. While working toward her degree, she reactivated Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honor society, organized a trip to Washington D.C. for members to present research and was awarded the Best Chapter Award.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Anais was able to intern with Rep. Wilson. As a Hamilton Scholar and member of the Congresswoman’s team for three semesters, Anais worked on creating equitable change, often by translating complex policy topics into relatable, understandable formats that led to increased support from Congressional offices and the public.

Anais helped the office secure 207 co-sponsors on the bill that created the Commission on Social Status of Black Men and Boys, which examined the social disparities that proportionally affect Black males in America and whose findings are being used to make policy recommendations to Congress.  

To tackle unfair practices and discrimination in her community and country, Anais plans to go to law school and pursue civil rights law.

By Lourdes Perez
Media Relations Specialist
Division of External Relations, Strategic Communications and Marketing

Nominated by Eric Feldman