Kiran Subedi

Kiran Subedi

Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry

College/School: School of Integrated Science and Humanity (SISH); College of Arts, Sciences & Education

Born and raised in Nepal, Kiran Subedi fell in love with chemistry while taking his first class in high school. He was fascinated by the chemistry in nature, like the leaves turning red in autumn and the fabulous art of alchemy.  Kiran said he knew he wanted to pursue this field of study in depth because he found it to be vibrant and exciting, while creating a constant sense of discovery. He went on to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Prithvi Narayan Campus and Tribhuvan University in Nepal.

Leaving his loved ones behind, Kiran immigrated to the U.S. to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry with an emphasis in forensic science at FIU. As part of his doctoral research, Kiran has developed a novel method of analyzing the chemical composition of printing inks. This work can potentially help forensic scientists differentiate counterfeit currency and other legal documents from authentic ones.

Kiran has presented his work and earned research awards in the U.S. and Asia. He has already published two papers and has two more papers awaiting publication in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. Outside of the classroom, Kiran served as a judge in the FIU McNair Scholars Research Conference, aimed at providing undergraduate students with the opportunity to present their research to peers, faculty and experts in their fields.

After graduation, Kiran has secured a full-time position as a lab supervisor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.