Kelly Fung

Kelly Fung

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration

College/School: College of Business

Kelly Fung’s childhood was fraught with some traumatic experiences. Born in Venezuela, Kelly was five years old and sitting next to her father in their car when he was shot in the chest by thieves. Remarkably, he survived – but Kelly’s parents decided to leave their home and successful business behind to come to Florida for a safer life for their family.

Kelly had a hard time adjusting and, although she spoke Spanish and Cantonese, English was difficult for her. She was mocked and then bullied as she made her way through the school system and became withdrawn and introverted.

After earning an associate degree through her high school, College Academy at Broward College, Kelly came to FIU. She describes herself then as quiet, reserved, and risk-averse. But a single decision to join the American Marketing Association at FIU allowed her to grow personally and professionally.

Kelly became a member of the AMA’s in-house marketing agency called Roaring Concepts. She became a junior executive and then a co-director of the entire agency, securing seven new clients, raising over $3,900 for the AMA and overseeing nine client projects. She also was a semi-finalist in the eBay Case Competition and won first place for the AMA’s Student Poster Session.

Kelly has interned at the Marketites Consumer Marketing Agency and plans to pursue a career as an analyst in the marketing research field.

By Jane Schreier Jones