Josh Goodwin

Josh Goodwin

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in History

College/School: Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

When Josh Goodwin was 27 years old, his father was diagnosed with cancer.

During their last coherent conversation, Josh – who was working two jobs and had dropped out of college – promised he’d finish his degree. Three months later, his father passed away. Josh set out to make good on his promise.

He earned his associate degree from Tallahassee Community College and came to FIU for his bachelor’s in history.

Josh became a passionate advocate for history, unofficially mentoring students who’d ask him questions about work-life balance and pointing them to one of his own mentors, Senior Instructor Tovah Bender.

He became a writing assistant at FIU’s Center for Excellence in Writing, where he guided students through their writing process and worked with Faculty Administrator Charles Donate, who became a mentor to him as well. Josh also participated as a peer writing mentor for the Humanities Edge Program, supporting students transitioning from Miami Dade College.

Currently working three jobs, including as a writing assistant at FIU and as a manager at a retirement home, Josh says he owes his success to mentors like Bender and Donate, who saw excellence in him – even when he didn’t see it in himself – and to his father’s memory, which has kept him going.

Josh’s goal is to earn his master’s degree in history and become a professor, both at FIU.

By Gisela Valencia
Junior Account Manager
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs