Jessica Mobassaleh

Jessica Mobassaleh

Degree: Master of Business Administration

College/School: College of Business

To Jessica Mobassaleh, her older brother Fouad was Superman. But when he died suddenly – at the age of 23 – from heart disease that doctors had insisted was benign, she vowed to prevent others from such tragedy.

Jessica and her family partnered with the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Foundation, which now offers free pediatric electrocardiogram testing and has donated thousands of backpacks to children. The backpacks include informational pamphlets that encourage testing. The family’s efforts have increased the chances of identifying children with electrical heart issues and making sure they are referred to an electrophysiologist for treatment.

Jessica didn’t stop there. The foundation created a medical symposium hosted by Nicklaus Children’s Hospital to educate professionals and raise funds, and Jessica has spoken at every conference. The symposium was selected to be a part of the World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery in Washington, DC in 2021. Jessica, with the help of the foundation team, has reached out to local schools to educate staff and make sure that there are plans in place for students and athletes in case of an emergency. 

A member of two honor societies, a graduating class representative and a member of the MBA Advisory Board, Jessica aspires to be a chief executive of a Fortune 500 company. Currently, she’s assistant vice president of Elegant Beauty Supplies, which has raised almost $500,000 for the cause her brother inspired.

Jessica might have called her brother Superman, but today she personifies the character in her own right.  

By Lauren Comander
College of Business